How to create a Canny Request

Created by Rosalyn Diangson, Modified on Tue, 13 Feb 2024 at 09:32 AM by Heather Zeh

Canny is the customer feedback platform Spindlemedia uses to collect, analyze, and organize feedback and feature requests. Customers (with Canny accounts) can create posts (feature requests), comment on existing posts, and upvote posts they like and would like to see implemented. Spindlemedia uses Canny to prioritize new features. If a customer creates or upvotes a post, they will be automatically notified anytime the post is updated. 

1. In the Tax Suite, click the TAX OFFICE 4 button. 

2. Click the "GIVE FEEDBACK" button.

Note: Another way to go to Canny is to click the question mark icon on the upper right part of the page and choose "Make a suggestion".

3. Under "Boards", select a database.

Reminder: Before you start creating your post, check if the feature request has already been created by someone. If so, you can upvote and add a comment on how the feature would be helpful for you.

Here's how:

In the Canny page, click the Search bar and type the title of the feature request or a keyword to see if the request already exists.

Then, if the feature you want to request has already been posted by someone else, you can just click the up arrow icon with a number in it to upvote the request. The more upvotes a request gets, the higher it is prioritized in the new feature request list. 

If the feature request has not yet been posted by someone else, follow the below steps on how to create and post your feature request. 

4. In the Canny page, click the plus sign icon to start your post.

5. Type in a short title. Be descriptive with the additional details of the request.

Just click the paperclip icon, if there is any screenshot or attachment you would like to provide to support the need for your request.

6. Once the request is ready to be posted, click "Create Post".

7. To add a comment click the message box and start typing. Click the gallery icon to add/attach a file or a photo. To tag a person, type @ and their name. If they have not signed into Canny, you will not be able to tag them. 

8. Click "Edit Post" to make some changes if applicable.

9. Once done, click "Save".